An in depth look at Personal Injury. What makes a good personal injury case, and cases you should avoid. The key ingredients that determine an appropriate case and injury. How to do a proper history, examination, and plan treatment appropriately. How a doctor can insure that the doctor and the patient do not make mistakes in a PI case that is detrimental to the patient or the practice. How to tell when there really is an injury and when the evidence does not support a case.
This class will discuss the actual scientific basis for whiplash and other injuries that occur in automobile collisions, slip and fall and other potential personal injuries.
Whiplash is a fading injury with the new designs of safety components for cars. However, there are other injuries that are now occurring that chiropractors are experts in treating. This portion of the class will specifically explore injuries, how to determine if they have happened as a result of injury and how to treat them.
Most important is the documentation that you have that proves the injury occurred and demonstrates the liability for the injury. With this information you can confidently treat a patient knowing that you will help the patient and get paid for what you do. Those who master this information can have a thriving and satisfying personal injury practice. Those who don’t will have a continuing hassle in their practice, and will have ongoing questions about liability, responsibility for payment, and poorer responses of the patients and other personal injury pitfalls. Doctors who understand what they are doing in this area can stand out as experts and do very well in this type of practice.
A highlight of this class is seeing a real mock trial that resulted in a significant defense verdict. You will see how a real defense attorney set up the questioning and how there was nothing that could be done by the plaintiff attorney, all because of common mistakes the doctor made. This happens frequently in cases and can all be avoided. However, it is very easy to avoid these problems and usually will result in a case not going to trial. But if you must go to trial, you will be prepared.
In this class, you will learn:
The Science of Whiplash and other injuries.
Referred pain patterns.
Phases of injury recovery
Probable pain generators in an injury and what to do about them
Appropriate treatment
Critical Documentation Components for the PI Case
Billing PI Cases Properly
The Deposition – Why it is very important to take it seriously and the impact it can have on a case.
Courtroom Testimony:
CE Hours For:
*Approval in process
Approval Numbers
(not all states assign numbers):
Sponsored by National University of Health Sciences
Alabama: 240332
Delaware: Max 10 hours (any 10 hours)
Illinois: Category 1 hours
Indiana: Max 8 hours (any 8 hours)
Maine: Category 1 hours
Michigan: 239240016
Mississippi: 12 CE hours for DCs(includes 3 hours Risk Mgmt.) - 6 CE hours for CAs
Nebraska: Max 8 hours (any 8 hours)
New Jersey: Max 10 hours (any 10 hours) - Fetterman Events is a NJ Board Approved CE Provider
Virginia: Category 1 hours
$0 - Doctor Program Members
$289 - Non-Member DCs
$169 - Non-Member CAs
*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program members.
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